29 years

Monday, April 11, 2016

Today is my 29th Birthday. I honestly still think sometimes I am still 20 but, I am quickly reminded of all the things I have been through in just a short amount of time. I always imagined what it would be like to be a 30 year old and now I am only a year shy of experiencing that. Today, I thought I would give everyone a glimpse inside of me and share 29 things about my self for my 29 years here on earth.

1. I call my mom at least twice a day.
2. My favorite food is salad and people always look at me crazy when I say that.
3. I would rather shop alone than with someone else.
4. I hate to paint my nails and you will rarely ever even see my toenails painted
5. I didn't start cooking until a few years into college. My mom says when I left home she barely even knew I could boil noodles.
6. I have a collection of cowboy boots. I started wearing cowboy boots before it was a fashion "thing" and now I still wear my boots but the fun of it is a bit worn off.
7. I met my husband in a bar
8. I'd rather spend money on nice makeup than nice clothes
9. My guilty pleasure is a canned coke or chickfila fountain coke
10. I detest Mcdonalds and won't even go there for just a drink.
11. I am afraid of the dark.
12. I cannot bake. I love to cook, but I don't do well following recipes, so baking is a big no for me.
13. I still have my baby blanket but it is shredded into a bunch of pieces. I carry the pieces around sometimes. ha!
14. My family is extremely close. We treat each other like best friends.
15. I never imagined myself living close to home . I am here now and I am happy with it.
16. I wanted to be a psychologist for the majority of my life. I still think it would be a good fit for me.
17. I never feel like I get enough sleep. I am constantly wishing I was in the bed taking a nap.
18. I have one of the smallest bladders of anyone I have ever met.
19. I often think I would have made a better guy than girl.
20. I don't have a filter and sometimes I don't realize what I have said until after it comes out.
21. I have a split uvula. ( the thing that hangs in the back of your throat)
22. My faith saved my life.
23. I have a good read of people and sometimes it causes tension between me and others but, most often my gut is right. 
24. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I do something creative and people assume I got the idea from pinterest. I do love pinterest, but I don't need it for all of my ideas.
25. I love the feel of things. The texture of fabrics, the feel of foods in my mouth etc.
26. I literally have serious issues with the sound of crunching ice and chewing food. It makes me freak out.
27. In my mind I always thought I would have two kids by now.
28. I always have a big bag with random stuff thrown in it. My family has called me the bag lady since I can remember.
29. I don't bite my nails but I constantly have my fingers in my mouth chewing at them.

Here's to 29. May it be my best year yet!

Fig-Prosciutto Flat Bread with Arugula

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

 A few years back, my sister told me about Naan. She told me it was the perfect store bought alternative to "pita" bread like they serve in restaurants, compared to that horrible stuff they pass off in the grocery store as fresh pita. If you aren't familiar with Naan it is an oven baked flatbread often found in West, Central and South Asia. It light and airy and yummy. It is fairly easy to make but I am a cheater and I always buy the store bought kind. The best brand in my opinion is the Stonefire brand. They carry it in my area at Publix. I also buy the brand they sell at Aldi, which is nearly identical to the Stonefire brand. I often throw a package in my grocery cart because it can be used in so many different ways. 

A few weeks ago I was at work trying to think of what I had at home for dinner. I remembered I had a bought a package of naan and some prosciutto the week before. I almost always keep goat cheese and fresh mozzarella on hand so, I thought, YUP! Naan "pizza" it is. You could definitely change out your ingredients here. This one is on the sweeter side, but not dessert sweet.

 For the base of the flat bread I used one of Sallie's Greatest Jams on it. Let me tell you, these things are GREAT. I picked one up about a year ago at the local meat market and quickly went back for other flavors. They are made in SC and make the BEST addition to a cheese plate. Sallie's has no idea who I am, but I love to support local companies. It would be hard for me to pick a favorite but, I think my original purchased flavor, Blackberry Spice & Sage is my favorite. A piece of brie and it are a beautiful pair, just saying.

Anyways, on to the recipe. You can find a ton of different recipes for proscuitto fig pizza but this is my take on it. This recipe is per flat bread so, depending on how many you are making, just double, triple etc. the recipe.


Fig-Prosciutto Naan with Argula


-1 naan
-1-2 thinly sliced pieces of prosciutto {torn into pieces}
- about 1 tbsp of fig jam 
-2 slices of buffalo mozzarella {cut into smaller pieces}
-1 tbsp of goat cheese { crumbled into smaller pieces)
- 1 handful of arugula
- 1 drizzle of olive oil


Lay out naan on oven safe pizza pan or a cookie sheet will work just fine. Spread fig jam onto naan. Evenly spread out cheese around naan. Top with torn pieces of prosciutto. Place into oven and cook for about 13 minutes (or until cheese is completely melted and prosciutto looks a little bit crispy). Remove from oven and top with arugula, drizzle a tiny bit of olive oil on top. At this point you can either put the naan back in the oven {for no longer than 1 minute} to wilt the arugula a bit or you can just eat it like it is. Some times I like it wilted and other times I like it completely raw. That's up to you. Cut naan into bite sized pieces and ENJOY!



Weekend Roundup

Monday, April 4, 2016

Last week was a bit crazy and I spent most of the week running around doing errands. I am going to try and do better this week about posting.  Today I am here showing you some glimpse into our weekend. We had a very busy weekend and I was so tired I ended up going to sleep last night at 8:30. For me, that is unheard of, I am a 100% night owl. 

Even though Thursday is not part of the weekend, I am posting this anyways. We met our friends Charlie for dinner on Thursday night at one of our favorite little spots in Blythewood. They literally have a mix of everything on their menu. I had the Chicken souvlaki plate and as always, it was delicious.

I found these root chips at TJ Maxx and they were salt and vinegar flavor. I love regular salt and vinegar chips but try to stay away from them for the fear of eating the entire bag. These are a bit better for you and do NOT disappoint. 

In Asheville, on of my favorite hidden gems is White Duck Taco. They opened on recently in Columbia so we went on Friday night to check it out. Thomas had eaten lunch there a few weeks ago but I was dying to go. The best thing I had was the crispy pork belly taco with pickled watermelon rind. It was so good, I was tempted to order a second one. I love their salsa trio but, the salsa verde is mine and Thomas favorite. 

We have been working on our single (super tiny)  bathroom for what feels like FOREVER. It was a darker grey color before and it just did not fit the "airy" feel of the rest of the rooms in our house. We went with Sherwin Williams Sea Salt and I am in LOVE.  It still needs shelves but, my husband carpenter hasn't finished them yet. We are hoping to get them hung this week. Thomas told me my to do list for him is cutting into his fishing time so, after this task and painting our living room, he told me he needs a break for awhile. I am in need of some relaxing and sunshine myself so I think I am happy to oblique.

Headed to a couples shower for our friends Emilee and Price. Thomas constantly makes fun of my sunglasses, calling them windshields, but I am enjoying them.  I may or may not have changed my lip color after this because my dress had more pink in it and I was not feeling the red color with my dress.

With my friend Holly. I got this dress from Ivy and Leo and it is so, so comfortable!
Thomas and I with our friends Rachel and Travis.

This is me with my friend Emilee. Our friend Ashley sells this lipsense product that is unbelievable. We all hung out after the shower and we may or may not have spent a couple hours drinking wine and trying on lip colors while the boys played quarters. Emilee never wears bright colored lips so we had to document what her color looked like. Wine, the things it makes you do ha!
On Sunday my friend Brittani and I hosted a baby shower for our friends Maggie and Chris. We were so bad and forgot to take any pictures of the shower and did not even take a photo with the mama to be. I stole this photo from a friend that was at the shower. We can't wait to meet baby Mason very soon!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting this weekend? My birthday is next monday so I am looking forward to this coming weekend! We will be celebrating with some of my friends! 

Hope you have a blessed week.
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